Course: Inner Team Healing

The Soulful Inner Team Healing Course - deepen your inner work with tools onpoint

A coaching program for coaches, who want to create sustainable inner work for their clients or people interested in diving deeper into inner work.

Calling all coaches who want to expand their inner work knowledge

What's inside:

Life time access to the modules


To discover sustainable tools for inner work, learn how the inner team of your clients and yourself really work and deepen your knowledge about this process.

The modules are our proven step-by-step method to create a healing space for your clients.

This includes homework and coaching calls with personalized feedback by Natalia, workshops to deepen the theory, tips and tricks when the client gets stuck. 


3 months weekly coaching calls in small groups

Whatever you have done until now just made you even more ready for what is coming!

You are feeling confused about all different kinds of coaching methods, and can't really fathom how inner work really sustains? Sometimes you feel self conscious about your coaching style? Or youare confused how inner work really works?

So, what you are searching for is feeling good and confident in your coaching and inner work sessions, learning a technique that helps whenever your client or you might struggle.

I'll show you a wonderful, loving and peaceful method so you can dive deeper into your coaching knowledge.

You will get direct feedback on EVERYTHING we learn.

We have weekly checkups and feedback on this coaching method and show you exactly how to do it!

Private community

You will get access to our small private community of committed coaches.

In this safe space, you will find support from other coaches. We are together through the ups and downs.

You will get guidance and support from Natalia on how to use the coaching tools efficiently and most effectively. 

Everything you need is here!

Take a second to imagine what being a spiritual coach could mean for you.

Go from:

not knowing how to support your clients properly with inner blocks

Doubting yourself as a coach

Unsure about what to do when your client gets stuck

Not understanding how inner work can really help or haven't seen results

Take a second to imagine what being a spiritual coach could mean for you.


knowing how to guide your clients through coachings step by step with ease and success.

feeling confident that you can hold the space for your client and be a wonderful vessel of transformation.

you have systems in place that bring your clients peace, love and healing.

Understanding inner work and use it as a tool to grow, heal, and manifest.


Deepen your coaching wisdom

This programme is strucured yet easy flowing programme, right to the point, yet balanced.

With short and effective group calls, that will be recorded for later use, tutorials to avoid any panic and weekly sessions to transform yourself and therefore your clients!

Deepen your coaching wisdom - the "soul"ution to:


Refine your expertise

Your framework

Get our bulletproof framework to create amazing healing sessions

And gain confidence

Gain confidence and learn how to create magical sessions for your clients by tapping into your priestess archetype.

By the end of this programme, you will

Have solid wisdom to support your clients.

Apply a bulletproof process over and over for your amazing clients for all topics of their lives.

Learn how to guide the inner team of a client lovingly and most effectively.

Have a global network of like-minded, supportive coaches.

Be in the process of stepping into a bigger & more fulfilling life as a coach.


 Curriculum of  the Inner Team Transformation Course

  1. Foundation and intention of healing the inner child and its caregivers
  2. The inner team, introduction, inner=outer team
  3. Self-empathy and empathy
  4. Basic assumption
  5. How to hold space for my clients

2.  What do inner members want and how to heal them

  1. Perception and stopping interpretation
  2. Their feelings
  3. Their needs
  4. Untangling enmeshed members

3.   Educating the members, lovingly guiding and teaching inner children

  1. How they can stop fighting
  2. Learning to set boundaries for inner members (and therefore outer people)
  3. How to react lovingly to a child’s no and why do they say it
  4. How to ask effective questions for inner members to open up

4.      How to tune into inner members' personalities

  1. the controlling and the nurturing parent
  2. the adaptive, the happy, and the rebellious child
  3. the inner adult

5.      Observing inner members' body language, gestures, symbols, landscapes

6.      Ancestral healing of inner members/ family system

7.      Little toolbar that helps inner members

a.      for healing,

b.      for protection

c.      for transformation

d.      for praising

e.      helpers, guides and universe/source

f. for manifesting

8. After care for the client

  1. how to make things last for your client
  2. when it doesn't work, why and what to do
  3. how to make them independent from you

9.      Additional coaching tools

a. The client’s inner journey

b. implemeting the mother archetype for supporting your clients and the priestess archetype for yourself.

10. practical training

11. practical training

12. practical training

Inner Team Healing - deepening your coaching wisdom

Join the waiting list

If you are interested, click here to join the waiting list. It is not a commitment to purchase.  Registration for the paid offer will be sent later with explicit payment option.


What my wonderful clients tell about my coaching method:

I was disillusioned with coaching because my earlier coaches convinced me that I am the problem, and coaching became a stressful obsession for me as I was constant looking for “issues” to heal, so that I can have the relationships I wanted. I spent lots of money and time believing them saying that I was not doing enough healing/coaching, and that was why issues still persisted with not much change. While I did experience some shifts during coaching sessions, they did not seem to last long, maximum a week, ie, till it was time for the next session. So, a sort of co-dependance was forming there, which, ironically, was what I was trying to heal. Hence I just cut off all ties. Also, most of those coaches had zero coaching experience, and empathy, so they were often rude. This made me hesitate to look for any more coaches, and just self-heal.

I’ve not had any coaches use a workbook before, to track my healing progress. One only system of healing had a monthly follow-up questionnaire to fill, which was a little vague. The rest of the coaches would check if there were any outer changes, ie, in money, or work, so it was stressful in a way, because I did not see any shifts in those areas. Instead I was steadily getting broke, as all the money I had in savings was being used, since I did not have a job.

I was trying to understand myself more, and why past sessions didn’t seem to have worked, though I spent so much time, and energy and money on them. I was also trying to get to the root of anger, and poverty, and obesity.

I have always enjoyed the interactions with you [Natalia], as you are not judgemental at all, you are very patient, are a great listener, and take your time to respond to a query, and give a fully rounded response. You also share your keen insights from my shares, that help me to look at my situations from a totally different perspective than what I am used to, and that gives me a whole “Eureka” moment, and I feel the shift immediately in my mind, and then my body. A deep peace then settles in, from finally having understood the cause or the essence of the upset. And with your current way of coaching, I absolutely love the looking for a win-win approach. It is so refreshing from the earlier coaching where I felt I was still losing even though it was supposed to be a healing process, where I was kind of coerced to forgiving people who I did not feel ready to forgive. And in those sessions I felt I had to prove I’m getting better, even though I wasn’t feeling it. But you give ample time and space to heal and let the healing come through, with no pressure to do a next session, or show some results, so I really appreciate that in you. You even wait patiently when I have lot of resistance, and don’t rush me or trying to tell me what I should feel or say, which I also appreciate a lot. As these are things that I have trying to come out of too, being told what to think and feel, and being rushed to get results. So I truly appreciate the kind way you take me through sessions.

There is a lot of peace and recognition and therefore understanding of triggers now. While triggers still may upset me, I am quicker now to recognise it as a trigger, and I know there will be a solution, so I feel more inclined to look for one. I also feel ok to sit with the trigger and let the answer come to me naturally of what to do next. With some triggers, I still find a reluctance to sit with myself and to meditate and do yoga etc, but it’s not as high a resistance as before. I also feel more value for myself now. I really appreciate the session where you made me see that I can take the value of money and put it to myself thereby helping see how I was placing all my value on money instead of seeing that the money is valuable because I have it, rather than I am only valuable if I have money, which is how I have remained poor all my life till now. I also now look for ways to support myself , with whatever money I have, in areas where I need support, and I now feel open to asking for it from others too, because I now see that in supporting myself this way I am giving myself more value than I have ever done previously, and doing that makes me feel good.



[I like that] you don’t keep checking the time, and you say it’s ok to still feel the upset or resistance, as sometimes we need more time to work through things. This is not what I experienced with some earlier coaches, and this made me uncomfortable as I felt rushed with them to end my session, and end with a “good” result, bcz if I did not then they would say I am resistant to doing the work. But with your patience, love and guidance, I have so far, always had great results, and I’m sure it will be that way every time we work together. Also, you use methods and info that I have read before, but never knew can be incorporated in healing, and that is really amazing, how you out it all together. And yes, the best is finding a win-win, no matter what is the issue I am working on. That is really so so refreshing, to find and feel, a win, as all my life I have felt I am only losing.

I’ve really benefitted a lot, so much so, that I want more sessions with you. I I feel a lot better about myself. Many things I felt severe resistance for have become easier to do now, like making decisions, asking for support etc.



[I would recommend you] 100%, to all who are looking for help to find their happiness, and who feel stuck in life or in business.



[People should know] that you are kind, honest, and non judgemental, rational, patient, and have keen understanding and insight of what exactly a person needs to heal from. Plus, you’re not in it for the money, I mean, that while money is very important for you, it is not the only reason you do this. You genuinely want to share what you know and help people with this work, and it shows in the way you approach sessions.

[I'm] feeling more happy and peaceful in general, and also, I’m able to smile faster even after a really triggering incident. Earlier I would refuse to smile, thinking that will make me weak, but it actually makes me stronger I realise now.


I wish you all the successes you dream of having in all areas of your life.

[The experience with your coaching was] amazing!!! Because you’re a smart cookie :)

Anupama, India



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