Presence & Relaxation

Presence & Relaxation

Awaken Your Body's Natural Healing Power.
For all those seeking inner peace AND being charismatic at the same time, youcan unlock your Presence and Relaxation for transformation and manifestation. You already have access to powerful intuitve tool. But true relaxed presence happens when you use these tools to open up new possibilities and actively manifest your desires. You’ll discover how to unlock your full potential for personal and professional growth by being present and relaxed.

What You’ll Learn

  • Releasing Blocks: Learn how to clear deep-rooted blocks preventing you from reaching your full relaxed presence.
  • Creating New Fields of Relaxation Possibilities: Use Presence and Relaxation to open new fields that invite growth, opportunity, and expansion in your life.

Why Choose My Approach?

  • Holistic and Practical: My coaching methods combine methods from yoga, acting, and coaching with practical strategies for a peaceful and self-confident presence.

  • Tailored to Your Unique Needs: Each session is customized to fit your individual situation.

For all those seeking inner peace

My tools and offers:

  • Energy Flow Code Healing: Profound healing that restores the flow of energy in the body and mind, dissolves blockages and promotes spiritual growth.

  • Yin Yoga for Energetic Balance: Exercises to promote inner peace, balance and healing.
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Presence and Relaxation

Package 1: 1 Month

Content: 3 sessions(flexible choice): coaching, yin yoga, or targeted mindset training (depending on need and choice).
Note: Discount for 3 sessions; individually adapted to the your needs.

E-mail support between meetings (maximum 2 per week) for brief queries.

Book a first consultation

Presence and Relaxation Mastery

Package 2: 3 months

Content: 6 sessions (flexible choice): coaching, yin yoga, or targeted mindset training (depending on need and choice).
Note: Optimal for deeper work and transformation.

Ideal for deeper transformation.

E-mail support between meetings (maximum 2 per week) for brief queries.

Book a first consultation

Presence and Relaxation Awakening

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For special enquiries

Are you looking for something special or would you like intensive email support? Contact me for a customized offer.

Long-term support for sustainable success

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Further details on the offers:

Coaching: In-depth work on current challenges, goals and blockages.

Yin Yoga: Personalized Yin Yoga sequences that focus on specific energy areas and blockages.

Blockage Healing:  Targeted energetic work to release blockages, stressful patterns and emotional blockages, customized to your individual situation.

Note:  All sessions and packages are flexible and can be customized according to your needs. This structure ensures that you always receive the optimal support - be it through coaching, healing methods, energetic blockage release or personal meditation practices.

How and what do we coach?

Concentrating on your blocks...

... and creating new fields of possibilities....

... and taking creative, aligned action steps!

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