Twin Flame Guidance and Healing

Twin Flame

Healing and Guidance

Discover personalized guidance and healing techniques to overcome obstacles and achieve a harmonious reunion with your twin flame.

Welcome to our soulful sanctuary dedicated to  all things love, spiritual soulful love, like Twin Flames and soumates, and their transformative journey of love and union. Here, I offer a nurturing space where you can explore the depths of your Twin Flame connection and receive compassionate guidance through my empowering coaching.

Whether you are in the midst of your twin flame awakening or seeking to deepen your bond with your divine partner, I am here to support you every step of the way. Unlock the mysteries, embrace the challenges, and bask in the beauty of twin flame love as you take your next steps on this soulful adventure.

Achieve Reunion with Your Twin Flame

Twin Flame Guidance and Healing: Reconnect and Thrive

Are you longing to reunite with your twin flame?

My specialized coaching sessions offer personalized guidance and support to help you navigate the complexities of your twin flame journey and increase the likelihood of a harmonious reunion.

Here's what you can expect:

  • Obstacle Identification: Pinpoint and address the specific barriers standing in the way of your reunion.
  • Personalized Strategies: Receive tailored advice and strategies designed to address your unique challenges and goals.
  • Connection Enhancement: Strengthen your bond and deepen your relationship with your twin flame.

By working together, we can:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of your twin flame connection.
  • Learn practical steps to overcome challenges and move forward.
  • Address emotional blocks and create a more harmonious relationship.

Ready to take the next step towards a fulfilling reunion? Discover More! Book Your Session!

Soulmates, Twin Flame or Soulful Partnerships? Here is your support!

In our sessions, I'll guide you into a relaxed state, creating a safe and nurturing space for exploration. Together, we'll delve into the core blocks that may be preventing you from achieving a harmonious reunion with your twin flame. With compassion and understanding, we'll uncover these barriers and explore gentle healing techniques to support your journey towards wholeness, inner harmony, and ultimately, reunion. We may also explore your past, including past lives, and your spiritual path to gain insights into the next steps for clearing and healing on your twin flame journey.

All coachings may include gentle oracle readings if you like it. Topic can be Twin Flame or any other spiritual topic.

Ancestral healing can also help resolve deep-rooted relationship patterns that appear in the Twin Flame dynamic. Learn how healing your ancestral lineage can help release old wounds in love. See more...

My policies:

  • I will bring my personal, intuitive and psychic wisdom to our sessions, but I will refrain from saying who your true twin flame is. Only you can know that for yourself. It is part of the process that you trust yourself and let go of the opinions of spiritual guides or mediums. Only you are able to channel this.

  • I truly and deeply believe your experiences and who you report to me as your twin flame, even if your friends, family and society don't believe you.

  • I work with respect and compassion. I will always respect the so-called chasers and always respect the so-called runners. I refuse to blame, belittle or shame one or the other. I empower both sides to come to your true greatness.

  • I believe your spooky, spiritual, or unusual stories.

  • I claim the highest good of all concerned.

  • I believe in you.

What my clients say:

Gilly compares the Twin Flame Teachings to the Buddhist concept and explains it like this: "You sort of give me a picture, like you have a picture for someone you pick up at the airport. These teachings have given me a clear picture of love and bliss, and I have felt them within myself today. Your teachings have helped me to find that inner space of love and bliss. This parallel with Buddhism shows me that in this life we are already learning what nirvana, true love and bliss, feels like so that we can find it after death."
"I always look forward to having a reading in the evening, in contrast if I knew I had coaching coming up I would probably get nervous because it's profound and that often scares me. With a reading combined with coaching, I know it's relaxed and playful because it involves imagery, and I love imagery. It gently guides me to my blocks, which I can then dissolve without much inhibition or resistance up front. It is just wonderful. Thank you so much!"

Gilly, Europe

I went to Natalia because I was in desperate need of a coach who is totally on my side.

I've been to other coaches before, and gaslit in every session that I tried.


Mainstream coaches always seemed to want to get the same thing out of me: to let my TF go. I noticed with these other coaches that they have an image in their head of the person I should become at the end of the sessions. They seemed to have preconceived ideas about what is right for me, so they all took the same line: If you are a “woman” – or at least look as one – it’s about letting go. Because you're needy. Because you hold on too tightly. Because you're a little child still. And therefore you should reason yourself ...because your heart is taking you astray and your intelligence and intuition are surely compromised. So detach yourself from that man, he is a threat and you will end up in a toxic relationship because if he is a man he must surely be toxic. And if you have such and such wounds that come from your female past, your infatuation is just a sad expression of your psyche, which is looking for redemption... and you should stop wanting to be loved by mommy and daddy. Or you should finally allow yourself to be loved by mommy and daddy in the form of “self-love”.

It's never about your TF in these mainstream coachings. The Damocles sword of illusion, which you must of course have fallen for, hovers over you in every mainstream coaching session. This spreads the unspoken belief that men are not able to love and that women always fall for empty promises. No matter how much they consider themselves to be enlightened, LQBTQIA+ friendly etc.; This belief still prevails among the supposedly most modern and open coaches.

But doesn't it sound like patriarchy has put on a really tricky coat?

What always comes across clearly in mainstream coachings is the underlying sexism and misogyny.

With Natalia, my feelings are taken seriously. I am allowed to love. And my sanity is not secretly denied. On the contrary. My judgment is believed. There is also space for the other person – my TF - to actually love me … without any doubt. I am learning to let that truth sink in and I'm in no constant fear that this truth will be twisted again by a professional.

I am allowed to have my doubts, because, hey, that is why I was seeking help in the first place.

 Natalia makes me aware when I'm giving in to my doubts instead of trusting myself. She always brings me back to myself. 


And guess what? There's a lot going on in 3D between me and my TF! I don't just mean idle talk about feeling better and accepting myself, blablabla. Of course that's important.


But after a long period of separation and after working through my actual blockages (!) and not the stereotypical ones, my TF and I are in contact again and I asked him out and he said “yes”- completely naturally and happily, joyfully!!!!


Oh yes, another thing: as a “woman” you are not allowed to approach men in the usual coaching settings. I was once told by a therapist that this was totally wrong and could never work! F* those! If I am to be me, then that means that the Universe is celebrating me that I love reaching out to others!!! I am this!!! Why do mainstream coaches always try to coach this away?


Natalia accepts me as I am. She doesn't have any preconceived ideas about how I should be as a person. The best thing about her coaching is that I don't fall into the trap of trying to please her, as was the dynamic with other coaches (of course, because there were unspoken expectations of me). I know I can open up and say anything.

Even things that don't conform to social conventions. The biggest taboo: falling in love with someone who is already taken. But hey, what are you supposed to do? You don't do this on purpose! You need help, but not the kind that tells you to get over it and forget the one you love the most. But the help that really leads you to your truth. The truth!

Flora, Europe


I so love Natalia's Tarot and Oracle card readings! I feel relieved afterwards and full of joy. I know I'm on the right path. She has a very good intuition and sometimes she is channeling my loved ones on the other side or my spiritual guides (she has professionally trained that!);
I deeply appreciate and love this!!! It always confirms what I already know deep in my heart. And that feeling gives me confidence.

A session does not only fill me with joy, but it also helped me a lot on my way. I am reminding myself of the beautiful readings when I'm beginning to weigh myself down... and regain my hope and strength.

Her readings always lift me up, vibing me into the frequency of harmonious union. And what's really getting me chills: What was predicted in the reading always comes true!!!! A lot is happening here!!!

Anne, Germany

"I always look forward to having a reading in the evening, in comparison, if I knew I had a coaching session coming up, I would probably get nervous because it's deep and that often scares me. With a reading combined with coaching, I know it's relaxed and playful because it involves images, and I love images. It gently guides me to my blocks, which I can then dissolve without much inhibition or resistance up front. It is just wonderful. Thank you so much!"

Gilly, Europe

“I am really glad I got the opportunity to get to know Natalia. During the coaching I felt very safe and secure and thanks to her deep understanding and empathy it was easy for me to trust on and to get involved with myself. She gave me the space to tell her about the current situation with my twin flame and helped identifying and structure the main upsets behind. There are conflicts with him I have been struggling with for months or even years and despite having healed them in the past several times I still was not able to resolve them without external support. Natalia took me by the hand and helped me go deeper into the topics and the healing process. Immediately after the coaching sessions I see results. For exampla once I saw my brother who was looking after my son during a coaching session and he said to me I would shine that much. And he was right, I felt really relieved and peaceful. In the evening I got a Whatsapp message from my twin flame asking how our kid is doing. I do have to tell that officially we are not in a relationship with each other, currently he lives in his own flat and we do not live neither our relationship nor our family live. After he reached out to me I was able to tell him honestly what is going on with our son in the moment - specifically he’s dealing with fit of angers as a result of Dad’s absence - without trying to get anything from him or trying to change his behavior. Surprisingly for me he reacted emotionally, reflected and concerned. He thanked me for sharing my observation with him and told me he knows what to do and that he will try to be a better and responsible father. It seemed to me, as a result of Natalias work, especially by looking at the interaction of respect and femininity, our communication improved significantly. For the first time since a long time I felt heard by him and treated respectfully. I am happy to work again with Natalia on my further healing in order to get closer and closer to improve my partnership. All the best and lot of love, Conny”

Conny, Germany

“I have been on my soul mate journey for three years and have tried many methods on my own to navigate its choppy waters. Meeting with Natalia was my first time working under the guidance of a coach. I must say at first I was unsure how I could be informed of anything that I hadn’t tired or thought of doing on my own but having someone support you and ask questions that perhaps you haven’t asked yourself is of great use and is reassuring. Her calming nature energised my spirit and provided me insight which was something I was hoping to gain. After the sessions I feel confident in my ability to trust my intuition and to follow on my path with positivity and joy."

Carmen, New York

“I had an amazing session with Natalia. In the past 3 years, I have been struggling with a lack of ability to tap into my feminine energy and constantly attracting partners who are in their feminine energy. This led to feelings of confusion, frustration, helplessness, and an inability to have a healthy dynamic in my relationships. With Natalia’s guidance, we worked through those feelings and not so pleasant experiences. During the session, I managed to come to peace with those situations, those persons, and understand why this was happening, and at the end, what I could do to prevent this from happening or how to react in case this would happen again. It was very helpful coaching, and I will continue to work together with her until this aspect is fully healed and I will want to work on many other aspects as well, as her energy feels so nice, calm and compassionate and the method she is using is very pleasant. Thanks a lot!

Roxana, Romania

I am so grateful that I took her spiritual courses. Mine was on mediumship. I always felt bad about it because I was raised in superstition about Spirit and the other side (like ghost, bad entities attached to places and people, and so on.). But now I feel calm and at peace for knowing the truth, knowing that everything is peace. And guess what happened after I healed that in course where we were tapping into our spiritual gifts? My twin flame messaged me. I haven't heard from him in months, despite our two kids. Now we are in union because I was able to overcome my fear that had blocked him away. I'm so happy now, thank you so much!

Anna, UK

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