
Empowered Women's Life Purpose Series: Embracing Faith and Miracles: A Journey of Healing and Hope

Jun 03, 2024

Embracing Faith and Miracles: A Journey of Healing and Hope

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Today, I'm thrilled to share a truly remarkable story that resonates deeply with the essence of our journey together. As seekers of healing, love, and divine connection, we often encounter moments of doubt and uncertainty. Yet, it's in these moments that we find the courage to embrace faith and invite miracles into our lives.

Enter Faith, the founder of Blessed Keepsakes, whose extraordinary journey with Lourdes holy water embodies the power of unwavering belief and the miracles that unfold when we dare to trust in something greater than ourselves. 

She has an absolutely wonderful, loving, and miraculous life purpose, sharing her gifts with the world. Her story reminds me of the wisdom passed down from my own grandmother, whose faith in Mother Mary and blessed Lourdes water continues to inspire me on my own path.

Join me as we dive into Faith's journey, exploring the profound connections between faith, miracles, and our quest for healing and love.

Natalia: Thank you for joining me today. Last week, you told me a bit about your backstory, and I deeply resonate with that. Can you share a bit about your background, about Lourdes water, and what led you to your life purpose?

Faith: Absolutely. My Grandmother had used Lourdes holy water throughout my entire childhood, so I grew up knowing about its healing qualities and miracles. She would add it to my drinks when visiting if I was unwell, and she even used to put some into the dogs water bowl when he was sick too! She told me about the miracles that occurred in Lourdes, France, and the story behind the poor pheasant girl Bernadette Soubirous who experienced the miraculous apparitions from the Virgin Mary - also known as Our Lady of Lourdes. I shared her faith that this water could heal and create miracles, especially if you allowed yourself to believe it so.

Natalia: I love that! I can so resonate with it, as it reminds me of my Croatian/Ukrainian grandmother who used to believe deeply in Mother Mary and would do pilgrimages later in life when she could afford it to Medjugorje and Lourdes. She was very religious. Are you too very religious, and what has been your experience with that?

Faith: I wouldn’t consider myself religious, but spiritual. I can tell about the most impressing healing?

Natalia: yes, please!

Manifesting Tool Kit

Faith: In 1997 aged 23 I had my first miracle using Lourdes water. I’d had a series of abdominal surgeries from the age of 17 including a partial hysterectomy. After many medical tests my Father accompanied me in the consultants office to receive the results. He told us in no uncertain terms that I would NEVER conceive and have a child of my own. Devastated I told him I WOULD become a mother as I refused to accept his medical opinion, in my heart. He became angry with my defiance and saw it as a huge insult as he then reeled off all his many years of medical training, study and experience in Gynaecology and infertility. My Father consoled me afterwards and offered for him and my mother to pay for IVF treatment to give me the hope and opportunity of having a family of my own.

Natalia: Oh no, that must have been devastating! And him getting so angry must have been challenging as well!

Faith: It was. It is discouraging when there is no hope given to you. During this time all I could think of was my Grandmothers words regarding Lourdes water and the miracles and answered prayers she had received by using it. I knew in my heart I would not need IVF and although she had passed away by this time, I could feel her love and energy surrounding me and urging me to ‘believe’.

Natalia: I love that! I also tend to “go” to my deceased loved ones to connect with them, feel their love, and get guidance. What happened next?

Faith: One evening when my husband was out working I took out my Grandmother’s container of Lourdes water from the cupboard and sat down to pray. I’m not Catholic but I knew that we don't have to be religious to pray and receive miracles. I opened the container, drank some of the water, then I opened my heart and prayed with absolute intention.

Natalia: How did you do that exactly?

Faith: I prayed just as my Grandmother had taught me - I started ‘giving thanks’ for my pregnancy and child, and I FELT the emotion of joy, love and heartfelt gratitude as I visualized the end result of family and friends congratulating me on the birth of my son or daughter, and visualized holding my baby in my arms.

Natalia: Aw, how sweet… and then?

Glass Angel

Faith: With tears of joy and relief now flowing down my face, I experienced the most overwhelming sense of inner peace and comfort. I KNEW the last few years of failing to conceive were irrelevant, and that my prayer had been answered right now in this moment!

Natalia: wow… yes, that’s it…suddenly you feel it in your heart when a prayer gets answered… and was your prayer answered physically as well?

Faith: 1997 my son was born.

Natalia: Wow!

Faith: The same consultant was on duty when I was taken into hospital during labour and his facial expression was priceless.

Natalia: What did he say?

Faith: He said “I don't know how this has happened but this is your miracle child, give thanks to God because it will never happen again”.

Natalia: oh, no! Was it true?

Faith: I went on to have 3 more sons with two twin pregnancies. I lost one twin during the first pregnancy and it was another miracle that the remaining twin survived. My second twin pregnancy was also miraculous as I went into labour at 22 weeks and had numerous complications throughout. I know the Lourdes water was the cause of becoming a mother to four beautiful children.

Natalia: oh, I have no words! This is truly a miracle and blessing! I’m happy that your children are healthy and happy. And was this the experience that led you to your life purpose?

Faith: Throughout my whole life I have wanted many people to experience the healing and miracles of Lourdes water just as I have, and many of my friends and family members. This is why I started Blessed Keepsakes. The divine energy vibrations of Lourdes holy water is very powerful and never fails to positively impact people’s lives. We visit Lourdes as often as we can and bring the divine water back to the UK. Every product we have is blessed with this holy water making them truly treasured keepsakes for everyone. They provide a great deal of comfort, especially for the bereaved as they experience a closer divine, loving connection with their loved ones in spirit. They also bring protection, unconditional love, joy, healing, abundance, manifesting of dreams and desires, and most importantly of all - Miracles!

Natalia: amazing! It has truly a powerful vibration, I can feel it’s power and love. I was so happy when you sent me a gift package with the holy water, some lovely cards, charms as a thank you gift for the healing I gave to Mickey. I was so happy, and felt instantly the love of a higher power.

Faith: yes, that’s really a high vibration.

Natalia: and these charms and cards, how do you make them, what is the intention behind it? I absolutely adore them.

Faith: When considering different gift choices for Blessed Keepsakes we usually tend to choose everyday items that can be used frequently such as key rings, charms that can be kept in a wallet or purse, bookmarks and hanging gifts for the home, office and vehicles etc. Our candles are designed to clear away negative energies and fill the home, office and our heart and soul with the pure divine energy of Lourdes. These little beeswax candles are very powerful and effective for numerous situations and personal needs. We are scientifically proven to be beings of energy, and the vibration of divine energy from Lourdes can be experienced by everyone.

Natalia: Yes, definitely. And you told me you also have kits like self healing kits, and abundance kits.

Faith: Yes, and we are very excited to be launching our new ‘Wellness Kits” in the next 2 weeks as these will powerfully impact many lives and situations in miraculous ways.

Natalia: Wow! I’m so looking forward to it! Thank you so much for chatting with me.

Blessed Favours

As we conclude our journey into Faith's world of miracles and blessings, I'm reminded of the profound interconnectedness of our paths. Just as Faith's unwavering faith led her to miraculous outcomes, so too can we harness the power of belief to manifest our deepest desires and overcome life's challenges.

If you're feeling called to explore the transformative power of faith and healing, I invite you to connect with Faith and explore the beautiful collection of blessed keepsakes at
Blessed Keepsakes.

And stay tuned, because Faith has generously sponsored our last Wildest Dreams Manifesting Challenge with gifts from her wonderful business! Together, let's continue to embrace faith, miracles, and the infinite possibilities that await us on our journey of love and healing.

With love and light,


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